Sessions for beginners
All tuesday evening at 6.45pm, there is a specific introduction session of zen practice in Zen Center.
Who for ?
The session is open to anyone wishing to learn to meditate, whatever their age or physical condition.
The meditation posture is the lotus or half lotus. Other options are available for the less supple, such as seiza (kneeling over the cushion) or using a chair.
Kimonos and zafus (meditation cushions) are available for beginners. You may also participate wearing any loose, dark coloured garments.
Content of the session
This session is guided by the monk Pascal Kangen Normandin and the nun Kankyo Tannier both of whom are experienced practitioners and disciples of Olivier Wang-Genh
Various questions are deal with :
Zazen, zen seated meditation
Kinhin, walking meditation based on the rhythm of breathing.
Rituals for communal practice.
It is not necessary to reserve a place for these sessions. Please just come to the dojo ten minutes before the start of the session.
The introduction session starts at 6:15pm precisely and lasts until 7:10pm.
It is followed by a practical session consisting of two periods of zazen separated by a period of kinhin. This session finishes at 8:15pm. Afterwards the teachers will be available to answer any questions you may have.
We recommend that you participate in both sessions in order to gain a good introduction to the practice.
Normal price : 7 euros
Reduced rate ( students, unemployed) : 5 euros
Monthly : normal price 35 euros, reduced rate 28 euros
The zen buddhist centre is a non profit organisation. The money from the sessions helps to pay the rent for the hall.