Retraite Zaike

Retraite Zaike

The Zaike retreat took place from 10 to 14 April. A training retreat for the ordained.

Zaike Tokudo is the name given to monks and nuns who continue to live in the family and social setting. It means literally "to practice while keeping the house". These tokudo in the heart of the cities are nevertheless expected to play an important role in the city dojos or in the monasteries where they go on a regular basis.

This year's theme was the meaning of funeral ceremonies in Soto Zen and their adaptation to our situation in Europe:

- Ritual gestures and the importance of the presence of the body in the practice.

- The meaning of the ceremonies, the traditional course of Soto Zen, how to adapt these ceremonies in the dojos

- Performing a funeral or remembrance ceremony

- Learning the different functions in a monastery.

The mornings were devoted to teisho (teachings) given by Master Wang-Genh and the afternoons to various workshops related to the theme.

Retraite Zaike
Retraite Zaike
Retraite Zaike
Retraite Zaike
Retraite Zaike
retraite Zaike
retraite Zaike
retraite Zaike

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