Saikawa Roshi's visit / Hossen Shiki ceremony - December 2018

In december we will once more have the great pleasure of welcoming the japanese zen master Saikawa Roshi to Ryumonji monastery. He will spend two days at the temple in order, in particular, to preside over nun Annemie Genshin van Attenhoven's Hossen ceremony.

Meet Saikawa Roshi

Anybody wishing to come to the temple on this occasion is most welcome.


Saikawa Roshi arrives on tuesday the 18th of december in the early afternoon.

Wednesday 19 december 11:00 : Hossen Shiki ceremony.

Wednesday evening : evening meal with master Saikawa.
Departure : morning of thursday 20th ( it is possible to stay for longer... )


Price for tuesday to thursday ( 2 nights )


82 euros / 66 euros

+ 15 euros membership of the association



Hossen ceremony

Will take place on wednesday morning the 19th of december under the direction of master Olivier Reigen Wang-Genh the abbot of the monastery.

It is possible to come to the temple for the ceremony which is open to all.

The ceremony is followed by a meal (15 euros). Reservation is obligatory by email to the temple secretariat.


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