
Zaike Retreat 9-16 March


The Zaike retreat is reserved primarily for tokudos and bodhisattvas. Or on request for motivated people.

This week will be an opportunity to explore and work on a central theme of our Soto Zen practice.

People who are on a ‘Gyoji stay’ at the temple can of course attend, but cannot take part in the Zaike reraite.


Zaike Tokudo literally means: ‘to realise the way by guarding the house’. This is the spiritual commitment we make at our ordination ceremony as monks or nuns.

Our social, family or economic situations do not generally allow us to become Shukke tokudo, to commit ourselves to realising the way by ‘leaving home’. On the other hand, we are firmly determined to put our practice of zazen and the bodhisattva precepts at the heart of our lives and our various professional, family and social commitments.

This is not always easy, and we all have painful experience of this reality: between our spiritual ideals and our ordinary daily lives there is sometimes a gulf, even a chasm!

So how do we reconcile the irreconcilable and embrace the contradictions?

There are many Zen teachings on this subject, which can be summed up in one word: GYOJI, sustained practice.

In his introduction to the Gyoji chapter of the Shobogenzo, Master Dogen says: ‘ Sustained practice is like a circle that has no beginning and no end; it cannot be cut off or interrupted. It is therefore not something that we force ourselves to do or that others force us to do. It is sustained practice that is never defiled. The main merit of this sustained practice is to maintain the self and to maintain others. Even if others don't realise it and we ourselves don't realise it, it is so.

This ‘sustained practice’ contains all aspects of our commitment to realising the path: zazen, precepts, sutras, sampai, ceremonies, samu, wisdom, compassion, the master-disciple relationship, paramitas, daily actions, words, state of mind, ego, self-forgetfulness, everyday life and sesshin, etc. It is all of this that we study.

This is what we'll be studying during the week, through examples and concrete, everyday situations linked to our lifestyles and living conditions.


  • SYMPOSIUM FOR ZAIKE : from Sunday 9 March 6pm to Wednesday 12 March 6pm.
  • DAY OFF: Thursday is a day off. It is possible to stay. A friendly meal is served on Wednesday evening for the price of an extra day.
  • SESSHIN : from the evening of Thursday 13 March until around 2pm on Sunday 16 March.


(Teaching, accommodation and meals included)

  • Full Zaike + Sesshin retreat (9 to 16): €378 (€266 for students and jobseekers, €150 for under-25s)
  • Zaike training : €224 (€149 for students and jobseekers)
  • Sesshin only : €161 (€114 for students and jobseekers)

INFORMATION : The Community of Communes of Hanau La Petite Pierre has introduced a tourist tax on the territory to contribute to the development of tourism activities. This tourist tax is applicable from May 1st 2022 at a rate of 80 cents per person per night (to pay in addition to the sesshin).

In order to register, please write an email to:


IMPORTANT - please take note of :

  • membership conditions
  • what to bring with you
  • access to the temple (by train or car)
  • the possibility of car pooling

By logging on to the :




As a participant, we offer you the opportunity to organise car pooling so that you can share the cost while reducing your carbon footprint. And all this while sharing a moment of conviviality with other retreatants :)

Ryumonji Carpooling

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